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The Sappers Association [NZ] Inc

Funeral LtCol [Rtd] Keith Michell QSM RNZE

Mon, 27 Jan 2020
01:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Gents, further to my advice to some of you yesterday of the sad passing of Keith Mitchell, I can now confirm funeral details.  A service to farewell and celebrate Keith’s life will be held at 1300hrs, Mon 27 Jan 2, at St John’s Anglican Church, 18 Bassett Road. Johnsonville, Wellington.  Decorations and medals are to be worn.   

As you will be aware, Keith was CE during 1977-78 and has been a Vice Patron of the Sappers Association (NZ) Inc since around 2001.  CO and RSM, 2ER will attend the funeral to represent the Corps of RNZE.

Please circulate these details widely, particularly amongst Wellington based retired and serving Sappers.   Many thanks, Joe

The photo attached shows Sapper Association Vice Patrons left to right: Peter Foster, George Butcher [Patron, deceased], Doug Roberts & Keith Michell at the Whakatane RSA 11 Feb 2017 local gathering function. Vail 'Hub' Hubner.

18 Bassett Road
18 Bassett Road, Johnsonville, Wellington 6037, New Zealand

12 Clyde St, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, 3116, New Zealand

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