

10.  Paragraphs 1 to 9 are on the 'All RNZE' page, 30 to 49 are on the 'Join' page, both seperate to this page. To print a page, see para 49.

Logging In to Each Member's Account

11.   Members of The Sappers Association [NZ] Inc need to log in to to view information and update their contact details. This is done by setting up an account in Tidy HQ using their email address as User Name. If you have already set up an account, go directly to 15 below if you want to update your email address. If you are not sure if you are a Financial Life Member, see page Sappers > Join > para 32 last few sentences for advice on this. 

12.   Write down an 8 digit password. Upper & lower case letters, some numbers and !@#$ etc. This is needed for setting up an account for the first time. Don't lose this password, it's needed for all future log ins. But if the password is lost, an email to requesting a password reset will fix it [but only if the login sprnz email address is active, see para13]. Please quote your regimental number to reduce identity theft, as well as your name and initials.

13.   If your old login email address is defunct, you'll need to set up a new account. This new account only needs your email address, surname, given name and regimental number [and not much else if your old account already has everything]. Advise after you have done this. The Membership Clerk will then merge the old account data into the new account, with the new account dominant. The Membership Clerk also manually activates the date joined Life Membership into the new account. This in turn will trigger the smart groups to find the new account profile so the member can read pages not available to the public. Don't pay for a new membership if you're already a Financial Life Member.

14.   To set up your Tidy HQ account [or if this is the Member's first time logging in]. Select Log in [top right]. Type your email address. 'Account Requires Activation' is shown. 'Send Account Activation Instructions' Select this. Then follow instructions. Note:

(a)  In 'Era joined RNZE' please select your Era only.

(b)  Also leave 'Allow Contact details to selected members of my Eras' blank at this stage. It can't be filled out until your membership has become Active in TidyHQ and you have login access to your Era Members plus one era either side, see also para 26(b).

(c)  The 'Unsubscribe' option needs to be treated with caution, it stops all emails sent by the Sappers Association from being received. Not wanting endless eralevent emails arriving in your Inbox is understandable and accepted. A compromise is outlined in webpage 'Login Pages Updated' > 'Regions...' at the bottom. Also see para 24 of this page about Inbox being 'blissfully free' of emails which has been there unchanged from about 2018.

15.   To update member's email address: log in [top right], left click your Intials [top right], select 'Tidy HQ Account Settings' [don't select 'Contact Profile' yet] & 'Enter your new login address'. Tidy HQ will automatically send a confirmation email to the new address which needs to be replied to. Note addresses seem to have firewalls stopping this website generated emails from being delivered, including account change of password procedures. It is important to use some other email addresses as login and email notifications. If the address needs to be used and is being rejected, needs to be put on the White List in NZDF IT.

16.   Now select 'Contact Profile' and change the 'Contact Email' to the new address [Yes, the new email address needs to be done twice].

17.   A member may want the login and contact email addresses to be different for some reason [temporary email address overseas, work email, wanting an old obscure login address not many know of, etc]. But it is best to keep them both the same for ease of access. There may be some logic in using a work email address [because it hardly ever changes] for login and a personal email address [often changing or crashing] for receiving emails. Watch out for work firewalls stopping a password reset though. Another reason could be the old sapper in a rest home having a grandchild keeping the profile up to date and emails sent to the rest home. It could get to the stage that there may be no email access at the rest home and the old sapper may only be able to find out what is going on by logging in on a communial computer. Perhaps a work around could be a relative who visits the rest home often: receives, prints off and delivers emails to the old sapper.

18.   When an email is sent from sprnz.tidyhq to a member, it shows the email address to login with, top right.

19.   Whilst you can email the Membership Clerk on for him to enter your new email address in order to get emails to you, this is only a part way fix. An Administrator cannot change the member's User Name email login address. Only the member can do that, by logging in with his/her old active email address. Note that once the current unpaid volunteer filling the Membership Clerk stands down, it is likely that nobody will put their hand up to replace him. The position of Memberhip Clerk will probably be deleted. It is important that members get their User Name email address and password working to directly update their contact details themselves. There's going to be nobody to ring soon.

20.  Most pages can only be viewed by logging in. These include your Era page, Recreation [golf, fishing], Trades [Fire Service, Plant Op etc], Regional Branches, Office Holder Duties page etc. Also the pages can't be viewed until the membership has been re-activated by the Membership Clerk, see para 13.

21.   If you've fixed up your email address, please un-check your profile 'Email Address - Rejected' and check 'Working'. This will automatically put you back into all your appropriate email- smart groups for para 20 above.

Update Member's Contact & Details

22.   Once logged in, Members are requested to update their Contact Profile and other details. Most important is the post code. This is needed to find out where our members are to organise Local Gathering social functions [see para 4]. Those leaving the Regular Force may want to put in the post code of their intended retirement area to attend Local Gatherings for the purpose of networking future employment. The post code would also be used to locate old sappers who may have moved into a local region. They may no longer be attending social functions, and perhaps are in rest homes, and the Association has an obligation to visit them and see how they are getting on. Older members might want to ger one of their grandchildren to keep their details up to date, rather than doing it themselves.

23.   The 'Year Joined RNZE' check box is also important. We intend ramping up Decade Do's [see para 4]. Knowing when Members joined the Corps allows the Association data base to automatically enter them into email address groups to get discussion going as to where and when old mates are going to have a few beers with each other some time.

Future Use of Tidy HQ

24.   Increasingly, unpaid volunteer office holders of the Association are going to opt for putting out information in tidyhq only, and not re-typing that information into emails. This strategy is to encourage people to put their hands up to become Era or District Moderators, knowing the workload will be minimal. Members who want to keep abreast of what is going on should look at Menu > Organisation > Login Pages Updated, on a monthly basis. Members will increasingly find their Email Inbox blissfuly free of emails from the Association, because there won't be many sent out. Starting June 2020 pages have been set up for some Districts & Eras. The office holders do not know which of these pages members may be interested in, or not interested at all. Sometimes a 'trigger' email may be sent out to members advising them of an update they need to login and see. The advantage of this method is that members can delete the email out of their system, knowing that at any later time they can login and find the information again.

25.  Relationship between the three medias is generally:

(a)    Facebook: Each site raised by the Sappers Association is set at 'Private' and invites members only. These Facebook sites are used to start off new ideas.

(b)    WebPages Tidy HQ: Viewed by Sapper Association members who login. These webpages are used to summarise what has been agreed on so far with new ideas. 

(c)    Events Tidy HQ: Viewed by the public. The Events are used to put the final format of an idea out to members and non-members.

(d)    Each member's profile can be linked to their Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin & Instagram accounts.

(e)   Facebook can be subject to hacking. See the attachment 'Facebook ifix Computers' [open with Outlook]. If using 'Sapper Mates' etc, make sure you've got your security sorted out.

26.   We have check box fields:

(a)   The RNZE Overseas Deployment the Member was on. Sappers may want to use this data to set up reunions: 1964 Vietnam, 2003 Iraq, 2010 Afghanistan for example. Trades, Recreation [fishing, golf, dancing] & Units served. Most are now in check box format.

(b)   There is a 'Allow Contact details' to selected members of my Eras section. We have put in numbers 10 to 99 in the member profile. Once a person becomes a member s/he can look into his/her Era plus one Era either side at the names of the people they knew when joining the RNZE. In adjacent to each name will be a number between 10 & 99. After becoming a member, jot down the numbers of the people you want to allow to know your contact details. Then re-open to your profile and check those numbers. [this will find the Lieutenants & Corporals you ran into as a Sapper and also the Sappers you came across as a Lieutenant or Corporal, covering 15 years]. This is still a work in process and many Eras have people missing because they haven't updated their profile.  For a member in hospital we would also use this section to contact close friends.Filters need to be put on to make up an email group. This wouldn't be actioned until s/he goes into hospital, as it takes a few minutes per person to set up the filters and office holders haven't got the time to do 250 plus members.

(c)  At the bottom of Allow Contact details there is a checkbox for members to take their name off the Hospitalization scheme. Checking this box also automatically filters out that member from being in any smart group to be informed of other members in hospital.

27.   The as a domain has been paid for by The Sappers Association [NZ] inc in Nov 2024. We're appealing for an unpaid volunteer member to set up a working website for it. The official website for The Sappers Association [NZ] Inc is for the foreseeable future.


28.   If a Sapper passes away, please adivise the Membership Clerk email

(a)  For deceased members, the funeral arrangements are displayed in login page 'Deceased / Funerals' as information comes to hand. An email is sent to the Hospitalization list [para 26 b] alerting them of this page.

(b)   Once details are finalised by the family, a public Event is displayed. An email is sent to three Eras before and three Eras after the deceased's Era, to cover 35 years of enlistments, alerting them of this Event.

Membership Roll

29.   Currently the Sappers Association [NZ] Inc has 565 members alive on the roll, of which 208 have email addresses that work.

5 Dec 2024 last updated.