The Sappers Association [NZ] Inc
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1. The second to last reunion was held in Dunedin in 2019. See Menu > Sappers > All RNZE > para 3 Companies Office filing in 2020 for the financial accounts for this reunion.
2. The last Reunion was held in Palmerston North in 2022.
3. Reserved.
4. At the 19Mar24 Members AGM it was resolved that the 2025 Reunion be aborted in favour of 2027 Reunion celebrating 125 years of the RNZE, probably in close liasion with 2 Engineer Regiment.
5. Era Moderators are encouraged to organise a Decade Do straight after the end of a National Reunion while their members are still in the reunion area, now and then. Suggest about once every third reunion, being six to nine years interval. Emphasis would be on getting members back from overseas for a worthwihile three day function. National Reunion Friday Registrations are a usually chaotic fun evening, trying to find mates in a huge rowdy crowd. Saturday is visiting local attractions organised by the reunion committee. The Saturday evening dinner sometimes has a seating plan introducing young people to chat with old people [see Intergenerational page]. National Reunions often have a morning church parade on the Sunday, so perhaps after that a Decade Do in the form of an afternoon luncheon that Sunday somewhere near the National Reunion location. At last, you can have a long yarn with old friends with no time constraints. With enough notice in the Era News page, people could arrange to stay and extra night and drive home or fly out on the Monday.
6. The Sapper Association 03 suffix two signature Reunion Account is free of use during 2024, 2025 & 2026. If somebody wants to use it to run an Atiu, East Timor, Aghanistan or Iraq etc reunion, this account can be used for it. Signatories must be Financial Life members of the Sappers Association. Suggest three signatories: Chairperson, Finance Clerk & Registration Clerk. The 03 account is audited at the end of the Jan - Dec financial year along with all other Sapper Association suffixes. A page can be set up on this website [perhaps needing login if recent active service deployments may still be security sensitive] and one of the above three appointments edits directly to keep it up to date.
7. Reserved.
8. Reserved.
9. Reserved.
31 Aug 2024 last updated.