NOTE change of date TO Tuesday 29th FROM Monday 28th AUGUST, 2023

The purpose of this meeting is to formalise the meetings of The Executive | Sappers Association NZ on a monthly cycle. 

This meeting and | or future meetings have been shifted to Tuesday evenings (August 29) depending on the availability of attendees.

A series of President's Meetings including a sub-selection of The Executive, Patrons, Mentors and co-opted members have been held since the AGM earlier this year. The latest meeting link is attached. 

Note. Only the executive members can move motions, make payments and approve any payments.

Meetings of previous President's Meeting here

Minute Taker

Vail Hubner
Clerk Branch Northern, Era 1965-69 Moderator, Chair Era Decade Branch, DM Bay Of Plenty, Trade FE Instructor, Zoom Wizard, RM Dance, Welfare, DM Manawatu Whanganui VH


Owen Smith
President OS


Paul Curry
Colonel Commandant PC
Vail Hubner
Clerk Branch Northern, Era 1965-69 Moderator, Chair Era Decade Branch, DM Bay Of Plenty, Trade FE Instructor, Zoom Wizard, RM Dance, Welfare, DM Manawatu Whanganui VH
Vail Hubner
Clerk Registration Reunion, Membership Clerk, DM Queensland, Treasurer VH
Peter Mellalieu
DM Auckland, Chair Northern, Zoom Wizard PM


Joe Hollander
1 Welcome to full Executive and new Executive members For Noting
2 Minutes of previous meeting For Action
2. 1 Approval of previous minutes
3 Matters arising from previous meeting For Discussion
3. 1 Advertising and promotion role - Appointment & Welcome - Lily Feng
3. 2 Sappers Day 2023 - Progress reports Christchurch, Palmerston North,
3. 3 Sappers Day Auckland Sunday 15 October 10:30 pm Kahu Sat David's For Noting
3. 4 Invercargill Dinner 11 November
3. 5 Sappers Ball 2023
3. 6 St Martin's Linton, Feb 2024
3. 7 Reunion last weekend October labour weekend 3 day event. 2025
3. 8 Army museum, Waiouru
3. 9 125 Years Sappers 2027
3. 10 RSA Affiliation
3. 11 Linton Tour 23 - 24 August
4 Financial report For Noting
5 New Zoom Conferencing Facility For Noting
5. 1 New Roles - Zoom Wizards | Sapper NZ For Noting
5. 2 Admin, Zoom Conferencing for TidyHQ Meetings, Overview and Instructions For Noting
5. 3 Self-help resources and best practice
6 Stationery, Branding, Use of Logos, Advertising, Promotion
6. 1 Letter head for stationery
6. 2 Appropriate use of RNZE and Sappers Association logos
7 Strategic Orientation - Sappers Association NZ
7. 1 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
7. 2 Key strategic issues.
7. 3 Options and alternatives for the future
8 Meeting process review For Discussion
8. 1 What aspects of our meeting worked well? (+) What can we improve in future? (-)
9 Date for next meeting. For Noting